We accept the whole package with love. Unconditionally.
Unfortunately, many of us will not love ourselves until we lose the weight, or get the job, or get the raise, or the boyfriend, or whatever. We often put conditions on our love. But we can change. We can love ourselves as we are right now!
We are in the midst of enormous individual and global change. I believe that all of us who are living at this time chose to be here to be a part of these changes, to bring about change, and to transform the world from the old way of life to a more loving and peaceful existence.
In the Piscean Age we looked “out there” for our savior: “Save me. Save me. Please take care of me.” Now we are moving into the Aquarian Age, and we are learning to go within to find our savior. We are the power we have been seeking.
We Are In Charge Of Our lives
If you are not willing to love yourself today, then you are not going to love yourself tomorrow, because whatever excuse you have today, you’ll still have tomorrow. Maybe you’ll have the same excuse 20 years from now, and even leave this lifetime holding on to the same excuse.
Today is the day you can love yourself totally with no expectations.
Love is something we can choose, the same way we choose anger, or hate, or sadness. We can choose to forgive someone who has hurt us and begin to finally heal. We can choose to be grateful for what we have. We can choose love. It’s always a choice within us.
Let’s begin right now in this moment to choose love.
It’s the most powerful healing force there is.
Article originally published here.
Dubbed “the closest thing to a living saint” by the Australian media, Louise L. Hay is the author of numerous bestselling books, including You Can Heal Your Life, which has sold more than 50 million copies. Louise is also known as one of the founders of the self-help movement. Through her healing techniques and positive philosophy, millions have learned to create more of what they want in their lives–more wellness in their bodies, minds, and spirits.
In partnership with SuperMind Apps, Louise’s work has now been taken to the next level. Unleash your full potential for love, health, success and self-esteem with her revolutionary Louise Hay Affirmation Meditations app, which combines beautiful, animated meditation exercises with audio brainwave technology and more.
Install the app FREE for iPhone and iPad. For the Android version, go here.