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Kathlyn & Gay Hendricks: The Key to Lasting Love

The Problem Isn’t “Out There” – It’s “In Here”

As long as you keep pointing the finger at someone else, you’ll keep struggling in love.

You may get the commitment-phobe to marry you, but then he’ll be lazy, or inconsiderate, or a cheat.

Your workaholic partner may take a sabbatical, but then you’ll find something else to fight about.

Any pattern you see in your life… any fight you have again and again… any jerk you date over and over… any fear or problem or disappointment…

All of these things start with YOU. They come from fears and unconscious beliefs and emotions that are secretly running your life.

And until you learn how to spot them, and control them, and turn them from unconscious habits into conscious choices, you cannot make a permanent change.

They won’t let you. They’ll pop up again, and hide in the guise of a charming liar, or a nagging siren. They’ll show up when you get angry about unemptied dishwashers and unwashed children.

They will run your life… unless you don’t let them.

But here’s the good news:

Because The Problem Is “In Here”… So Is The Solution!

It might feel daunting and depressing to think that the problems you’ve been experiencing in love aren’t “out there” but “in here.”

It’s easy to start beating yourself up and feeling overwhelmed and sad.

But the truth is, this is the most uplifting news of all:

It also means that the solution is also IN HERE! The solutions are right inside you!

All it takes is consciously stepping out of the habitual behaviors and mental programming that have been running your life on autopilot until now.

Once you do, you will be able to create a relationship that lasts and deepens over time, and you will also feel happier and more fulfilled in your own life than you’ve ever been.

And here’s the best news of all: you already know how to do this! You’re reading this article because you’re making choices to have a healthy lifestyle. You know that nobody else can do it for you. And just as the solution to your health problems are within you, you are also the gateway to a healthier relationship.

There is no reason to let what’s “in here” run any part of your life any longer. You have the power to create a wonderfully fulfilling, joyfully intimate relationship, and it all starts now.

Gay Hendricks, Ph.D. and Kathlyn Hendricks, Ph.D. have coauthored nine books during their 30+ years together, including Conscious Loving, Lasting Love, The Conscious Heart and Conscious Loving Ever After. Gay has also written numerous bestsellers on his own, including The Big Leap, Five Wishes and The First Rule of Ten. Co-founders of the Hendricks Institute, Gay and Katie have worked with more than 20,000 individuals and 4,000 couples, and have appeared on OPRAH, CNN and CNBC, among hundreds of other television and radio shows. Be sure to check out the Hendricks’ best-selling iOS apps: Find Your Soulmate for singles and True Love Secrets for Couples.

Most recently, Gay & Katie have launched their own show on Amazon: CONSCIOUS LOVE STORIES.







Quote of the Moment

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable man adapts the world to himself. All progress depends on the unreasonable man.George Bernard Shaw


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