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Kathlyn & Gay Hendricks: The Key to Lasting Love

This article is going to teach you the single most important thing you need to know to create a wonderful relationship and life.

In fact, in our combined 70+ years of experience counseling individuals and couples, this is the biggest “aha” we see, and if you embrace it when it comes to relationships, you can completely transform everything.

We know this is a big promise, but if you are willing to open your mind and heart, this can be the catalyst that powers the rest of your life.

But before we tell you what it IS, you need to first understand what it ISN’T. And so you need to ask yourself, do any of these thoughts sound familiar?

“I keep attracting people who have commitment issues.”

“If my partner would just pitch in more around the house, I wouldn’t feel so unhappy.”

“All the good men are taken.”

“My marriage would be a whole lot better if my partner didn’t work so much.”

“If only my wife would be more passionate in the bedroom, our relationship would be fun and happy again.”

If you always feel disappointed in your partner, your husband, your wife, your dates and your relationships in general, there is something extremely important you need to know.

The cause of your problems isn’t what you think.

And until you understand what’s really happening, you’ll never find the right solution.

Why You Keep Having The Same Problems… Over and Over

When your relationships keep disappointing you, it’s easy to blame the other person.

You think “if only he would…” or “why can’t she…”

You start believing you haven’t met the “right” person yet, or that things would be better if you just ended the relationship and started over again.

But here’s the truth: starting over won’t solve anything.

In fact, you’ll probably have the same problem again… just with a different person.

You’ll date another man who is afraid to commit, or pulls away when you get close, or never shares his feelings.

You’ll marry another man who can’t manage stress, or talks too much, or can’t hold down a job.

And the reason is this: whenever you are waiting for something “out there” to change in order for you to be happy, you’ll be waiting forever.

None of your problems are caused by the other person.

Absolutely none of them.

(continued on next page…)

Gay Hendricks, Ph.D. and Kathlyn Hendricks, Ph.D. have coauthored nine books during their 30+ years together, including Conscious Loving, Lasting Love, The Conscious Heart and Conscious Loving Ever After. Gay has also written numerous bestsellers on his own, including The Big Leap, Five Wishes and The First Rule of Ten. Co-founders of the Hendricks Institute, Gay and Katie have worked with more than 20,000 individuals and 4,000 couples, and have appeared on OPRAH, CNN and CNBC, among hundreds of other television and radio shows. Be sure to check out the Hendricks’ best-selling iOS apps: Find Your Soulmate for singles and True Love Secrets for Couples.

Most recently, Gay & Katie have launched their own show on Amazon: CONSCIOUS LOVE STORIES.







Quote of the Moment

Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.Dale Carnegie


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