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Joe Vitale: Success Through Inspired Action

Ever since my book, “Spiritual Marketing,” became a best-seller on Amazon, people have been writing me. Most of the time people are just praising the book. Sometimes people have questions about the five-step process in the book for creating wealth from the inside out. By far the most common question is about step five, the one called “Let go.”

“But what do I DO if I let go?” is the question I get the most. “If I let go, don’t I just sit there?”

What I didn’t fully explain in the book is that you usually still have to do something to achieve your dreams. That something might be as little as answering the phone. Or making a call. Or buying a book. Or joining an association. Or answering an email. I have no idea what that action will be for you regarding achieving your dream. But you usually have to do something, however small or large a step.

But the magic answer to the question of what action to do next is this:

You want to take what I call “Inspired Action.”

Inspired Action is any action you take based on an inside nudge.

In other words, an Inspired Action is when you suddenly get a desire to drive to the store. You may have no idea why you need to go to the store right now. But something within you is urging you out the door. Follow that hunch. It may lead you to your goal. At the store, you may meet the right person. Or find the right product. Or pick up the right magazine that will lead you to completing your dream.

For example, in “Spiritual Marketing” I talk about how I managed to get into Nightingale-Conant with my own tapeset, called “The Power of Outrageous Marketing.” I had tried to get Nightingale-Conant to pay attention to me for over ten years. (Ten years!) Nothing I did would ever work out. Yet I was doing all the “right things” people said I should do—make calls, send letters, follow a plan of action, etc.

Nope. None of that ever worked.


Dr. Joe Vitale is the best-selling author of numerous books, including The Attractor Factor, Zero Limits, At Zero and Attract Money Now. He has appeared in many movies, most notably as a standout star in The Secret.

Check out Joe’s powerful meditation app for iOS.



Quote of the Moment

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.Oscar Wilde


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