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Is Reiki for real?

Can we really cure pain and illness with nothing but touch?

You never forget the day that changes your life.

For me it was when I had my first ever session with a Reiki

When I first heard about it, I had excruciating pain in my
lower back, and was popping enough pain killers to kill a

But I was desperate.

(Really desperate)

So when a friend suggested I met his “Healer”, my eyes
rolled back in my head, but I still went along.

You see, I had visions of some crackpot who would wave
incense around my head while he muttered to himself…

…and then charged me for it!

But when we got there it was a different story.

All I saw was a little old man with a table.

He motioned for me to lie down and I did. Then…something
happened. I felt a warmth right where my back pain was…and
then…a slight vibration.

And all of a sudden the tension, anxiety and stress drained
out of my body.

The whole experience was life changing and I can still
remember laying down on that table as if it was yesterday.

If you’re interested to learn more, go here now

But that’s not the end of the story.

Because that experience began a journey which changed my

I quickly became obsessed with Reiki and wanted to learn
everything I could.

Over the next few years I attended countless seminars, read
every book I could find and spent thousands of dollars on

But it wasn’t all plain sailing.

Because, like with everything, it wasn’t perfect, and it
turns out there is a SERIOUS flaw in mainstream Reiki

And this flaw can literally hold you back for years.

I can still remember when I discovered it, the realisation
was like being hit by ten freight trains at once.

(And I did not pay another cent for Reiki instruction. And
you won’t either, when you learn about this flaw.)

After that I almost gave up on Reiki.

But fortunately I’m not that type of person.

And I’m glad, because soon after I met my guru.

I’m talking about Owen Coleman, one of the best Reiki
teachers still alive today. You see, after the incident I
just mentioned, I decided to hunt down his true and original

I wanted to know what the deal was with this stuff.

And once I did I was shocked.

I found that I had been learning a “Diluted” version of the
art, and that most Reiki schools were like McDonald’s

These original teachings were totally unlike what I had been
learning the last couple of years.

And after finding, and applying them, I was suddenly able to
get mind-blowing results.

This is no joke, and if you’re reading this, then you must,
at least, have a passing interest in Reiki and energy

And if you’d like to learn how to use this art to create
miracles in your life…

…then go here now.

And take 3 minutes to read Owen’s personal message to future
Reiki masters.

Plus he’ll tell you why it is so important that you learn
from these original teachings. You can also read about the
“Flaw” that exists in all Reiki training. This problem can cost
you thousands of dollars and years of your life, so if you’re
serious about learning Reiki please take a quick look at the
page above.

Quote of the Moment

There are two ways of spreading light. To be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it.Edith Wharton


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