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Gay Hendricks: Beyond Your Upper Limits

A Magical Exploration

The goal in life is not to attain some imaginary ideal; it is to find and fully use our own gifts. The only relevant question is whether you will let it be possible for you. If you are willing to explore and celebrate the very best in yourself by learning to transcend your Upper Limits, you’re on the way to experiencing real magic in your life.

What’s Your Genius?

Here are some key questions to ask yourself to discover your unique Zone of Genius:

  • What activity do I most love to do? (I love it so much I can do it for long stretches of time without getting tired or bored.)
  • What work do I do that doesn’t seem like work? (I can do it all day long without ever feeling tired or bored.)
  • In my work, what produces the highest ratio of abundance and satisfaction to amount of time spent? (Even if I do only 10 seconds or a few minutes of it, an idea or a deeper connection may spring forth that leads to huge value.)
  • What is my unique ability? (I have a special skill. This unique ability, fully realized and put to work, can provide enormous benefits to me and any organization I serve.)

Be a Limits Tester

Want to break free of your Upper Limits more often? Start with these tips from Gay Hendricks, PhD:

  • Make a commitment to keeping an attitude of wonder and play while learning about your Upper-Limit behaviors. Say this sentence in your mind as often as you like (and strive to embody the attitude it represents): I commit to discovering my Upper-Limit behaviors, and to having a good time while I’m learning about them. You can learn a lot more with a spirit of wonder and enjoyment than you can with an attitude of criticism
  • Make a list of your Upper-Limit behaviors. Here are some of the most common ones: Worrying; blame and criticism; getting sick; squabbling; hiding significant feelings; not keeping agreements; not speaking significant truths to the relevant people (If you are mad at John, he’s the relevant person to talk to. It doesn’t help to tell Fred that you’re mad at John.); deflecting (Ignoring compliments is a good example.)
  • When you notice yourself doing one of the things on your Upper-Limit list, such as worrying or failing to communicate some truth, shift your attention to the real issue: expanding your capacity for abundance, love and success.
  • Consciously let yourself make more room in your awareness for abundance, love and success. Use the resources of your whole being, not just your mind. For example, feel more love in your chest and heart area. Savor the body feeling, as well as the mental satisfaction, of success and abundance.
  • Embrace a new story that tells about your adventures in your Zone of Genius. Find a new mythology, or make up one of your own, that shows you enjoying your life in the full radiance of your expressed potential.

To internalize these ideas and take them to the next level, be sure to check out Self-Esteem Meditation, Gay’s best-selling app for iOS. For the Android version, go here.

Gay Hendricks, Ph.D. has been a leader in the fields of relationship transformation and bodymind therapies for over 45 years. After earning his Ph.D. in counseling psychology from Stanford, Gay served as professor of Counseling Psychology at the University of Colorado for 21 years. He has written and co- authored (with Kathlyn) 35 books, including the bestsellers The Big Leap and Conscious Loving.

Gay has offered seminars worldwide and appeared on more than 500 radio and television shows, including OPRAH, CNN, CNBC, 48 HOURS and others. In addition to his work with The Hendricks Institute, Gay’s most recent book, co- authored with Kathlyn, is Conscious Loving Ever After. Gay and Kathlyn have also launched their own talk show on Amazon: Conscious Love Stories.





Quote of the Moment

Gratitude is the most exquisite form of courtesy.Jacques Maritain


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